Somtimes in life, we find ourselves feeling drained. Our energy gets put in places it doesn't need to be in and we end up hating ourselves and the world for it. It's time we preserve our energy and stop wasting it in these 6 places.
People Who Don't Support You
Have you ever had that one person in your life that always puts you down for everything you do? You have this big dream or big idea and they will be the first to shut it down by telling you that it's unrealistic or just stupid. Because of them, you hold yourself back from showing your true potential. These people do not love or care about you, they care about themselves and their image and they're afraid you might outshine them. Cutting them off entirely would likely be too much work, simply avoid wasting your time and energy on them and try not to spend time with these kinds of people.
What Others Think About You
By nature, humans care to impress other humans. We want other people to think we're cool, or successful. Having outside validation can help us feel better about ourselves. The problem with this is that the world and most humans don't care about you, they care about themselves. Avoid caring too much about what other people think and do things that make you happy. Don't mold yourself into someone that society want's you to be, you are perfectly unique as you are.
A One-Sided Relationship
Everyone has gone through a one-sided relationship at least once in their lives. You put all your love and effort into someone that doesn't feel the same about you, it's draining of your energy and extremely dispiriting. It's time to get real here though. If you love something, let it go. You don't want to keep dragging out something that keeps hurting you, and for the other party, you are seen as a nuisance. Let them go and focus on yourself. If it is meant to be it will be. Don't force a relationship if the other person wants no part in one.
People Who Need You Occasionally
Have you ever had that "friend" that only hits you up because they need a ride somewhere or they need a favor? Those people can be extremely draining of your energy, and most of the time you're too nice to say no. Set boundaries and don't be afraid to tell them no. It's hard at first but once you learn to set boundaries and take care of yourself, life will be a lot easier.
Solving Problems That Aren't Yours
Sometimes our friends get themselves into sticky situations and you find yourself being responsible for them when they make bad choices. It's not bad to help a friend in need, but it can get excessive when that friend is constantly getting themselves into trouble and you're always picking up the mess they left behind. At some point, you'll have to let them go. It sucks because you want to help everyone and make sure they're okay, but it's time to start helping yourself and making sure you're okay.
Impressing Somebody Who Isn't Interested
Humans like to impress other humans. It validates our existence when our efforts have been praised. Like I said earlier, humans care about themselves more than anything. Stop trying to impress people that don't care about your achievements and focus on appreciating the ones that do care.